Check Teak Furniture Before Buying It!

 Check Teak Furniture Before Buying It!

 Check Teak Furniture Before Buying It!

Let’s  check teak furniture before buy it.  It is the important way to know the different of the original or imitation teak furniture. In this article, we explain about how to check teak furniture before we want to pay for it. Hopefully, we should be careful and let’s see the step to check the original teak furniture , such as:

  1. It Have Tighten Pores At The Surface Of Teak Furniture

We can see the quality of the teakwood furniture from the surface of the wood. It has tighten pores at the surface texture. It become stronge and keep from broken texture. It means that the pores is not same with the holes, which is made by insects or pest. The pore from the teak furniture have the good quality constuct. Usually the carpenter use this teakwod furniture with some decoratif shape.

  1. Really Have Old Age

The next quality of the teak furniture can be seen from how old the teak furniture. The teak furniture should really old when you want to buy it. It has the reason that the older teak furniture have the good stregth. The durable teak furniture can be measured from how the strong of this wooden along the years. In addition, you should buy  the teak furniture with very old age.

  1. Look The Color Of The Wood

Then check teak furniture from the color aspect. The brown of teak wooden looks very natural because the teak wood that have old years have the good quality. Why the old teakwood furniture have the pure brown? It happen because old wooden have many pigments. Therefore, pigment have influence with the teak wood.

  1. It Have No Died Eyes Or Heart Of The Wood

You should avoid to chose the teakwood, which have died eyes or heart because it can make the broken woods. The heart wood is the main part centre of the teak wood. You should check teak furniture whether having or no. This part usually find like a sterofoam texture. The shape like longer line. If it lost from the wooden, it make a sign that have broke the teakwood. Thus, you should choose the teakwood furniture that don’t have heart or died eyes.

  1. The Teakwood Have No Holes

You should check teak furniture  carefully because it sometimes found any hole in the surfeace of the wooden. This holes makes bad appearance of the teakwood furniture, so the seller sometimes tend to close the holes with anything. Thus, it broke the appearance of the wood. Let’s choose the teakwood furniture that have no hole or smooth texture wooden skin.

Based on the step to check teak furniture above, you should know the characteristics of the teakwood furniture. Moreover, we are not understand about what the difference about real original teakwood or the imitation of teakwood furniture. Therefore, if we want to buy teakwood furniture, we should ask someone, who have good knowledge about teakwood furniture, to accompany us. With this way, we will know the meaning about the information above.