The Imitation Of Teak Furniture : Knowing The Facts Of It

The Imitation Of Teak Furniture : Knowing The Facts Of It

The Imitation Of Teak Furniture : Knowing The Facts Of  it

You have to know the imitation of teak furniture when you buy chair, table or something that have made from teak furniture. In this information, we explain the facts of the imitation of teak furniture. It can be described as the following.

  1. The Surface Of Teak Furniture

You should detect the surfache of teak furniture. In the imitation of teak furniture, the design of the holes in the surface of wood is bad. It has rough texture from the teak furniture. In the original teak furniture design, it have smooth holes texture on this surface because it product something liquid from the wooden. In the imitation of this product, it usually not smooth when we touch the surface.

2 The Curve Of The Wooden Eyes

The strip texture from teak furniture is not really smooth, but have the curve motive. It has the effect of the wooden texture. If the wooden eyes is big, it can appear the broken texture of the wood. Based on the characteristics of imitation of teak furniture, the strip of wood is not clear, so it make a dangerous for the keeping of the wooden. Therefore, you should check it.

  1. Looking The Gap Where The Wooden Tight

It can be seen if you buy some teak furnitures. It can be taken some cases, for example when you buy table or chair. In the table texture, looking of the gap of the wooden tight. It must be tighten well without looks the gap. If you still find the gap in the wooden tight, it is clear that the teak furniture is not original.

Therefore, when you buy some furnitures, you should select the furniture carefully. In addition, the teak furniture always have the texture, which is strong and tight.

  1. The Strength Of The Teak Furniture

The original teak furniture always  have high strength dan power. Make sure for this strength before you buy it. How to test the strength of the teak furniture? It is easy. The imitation of the teak furniture have the weakness functional, for example when someone sit on the chair, the strength of the furniture can be seen.

When you want to check them, you can ask the children or your friend, who have too heavy weight to sit on the chair. It is the solution way to know the strength of the teak furniture whether strong o r weak.

  1. The Teak Furniture Is Not Old

You should buy the teak furniture carefully because it sometimes not old. The imitation of the teak furniture have not brown equally. The color is not full of the surface. It has the soft fiber wooden. It also have the weight, which are not too heavy. The brown pigment of the wood is not reddish as the original teak furniture. The age of the teak wood have maximum 20 years old.

Avoiding the product from imitation teak furniture,  you should buy it in the lisence auction wood from Forest Reservation Department. You have to attend the characteristics above before you buy it.